The Team

Sarah Golding

Sarah Golding is the force of nature behind the Podfest, the Quirky Voices podcast, and so many other audio drama projects your head will spin just reading about them all! Sarah writes and produces indie audio drama, when not voice acting herself, of course.

Karim Kronfli

Webmaster, Technical Support and Official Loud Mouth

A veteran voice actor Karim has appeared in over 100 podcasts after having spent most his life performing in one from or another as a stage actor or in the open air as a juggler & fire breather

Michael Hudson

Associate Tech Guru, Photographer and Man Who Does Everything Else!

Lou Sutcliffe

Lou is a nonbinary autistic audio sorceror from the north-west of England. Their audiodrama productions include the Pantaloon Society, a twelve-part serial about clowns with supernatural powers, and maritime fantasy Eeler's Choice. They live in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne and refuse to leave unless enticed away with the promise of LARP and are in far too many discord servers for any reasonable person.  

Georgia Cooke

is an illustrator and writer from London. She is the co-author of the horror-fiction podcast series The Holmwood Foundation, and has written for publications such as Baffling, Vastarien Lit, and Flame Tree press, as well as the Doctor Who audio drama range with Big Finish. Her Doctor Who Novel, Ruby Red, is currently available from Penguin books.

She also frequently writes and narrates for various horror anthology podcasts such as 'Creepy', 'The Other Stories', and 'Tales To Terrify' .  

Fio Trethewey

is a writer and artist known for their love of Doctor Who, Arthurian Legend and 80s cult classics.

 Alongside working for the Lancet as a Deputy Operations Manager he has written a variety of audio dramas and short stories for Big Finish Productions for their Doctor Who box sets, most recently writing for the Gallifrey War Room Series both ‘The Last Days of Phaidon” (2022), “Transference” (2023) and The Twelfth Doctor Chronicles finale "You Only Die Twice.'

 Currently, he's working with Georgia Cook in creating The Holmwood Foundation, a found footage horror fiction podcast which will be crowdfunding in October.

Flloyd Kennedy

Actress, director, poet, singer-songwriter, voice/speech/accent coach and podcaster took part in the British folk revival in the 1960s, performed street theatre, cabaret and fringe theatre in Scotland throughout the 1980s and 90s, In 1997 she returned to Australia where she undertook research into the performing voice for her doctorate.  

Back in the UK since 2015, Flloyd performs, directs, writes and teaches voice and acting skills and is artistic director of Thunder’s Mouth Theatre. She is the writer/producer of the audio comedy/dramas "Am I Old Yet?" (shortlisted for an Independent Podcasts Award - fiction) and "Baked Off!" - due to be released later this year.